
Company-Y and why we made a comic about it

I can’t get no satisfactionMick Jagger & Keith Richards

Every day we dream of living on the other side of the fence where the grass is greener, the breeze is sweeter, and where you could never imagine a plugged toilet or mold in the laundry room. We wish for the expensive car that never breaks down, the big beautiful house that pays for itself, the job that pays well and has flexible hours, and the family that bakes cookies without making a mess out of the kitchen.

Well, shit happens, and we’re here to make the best, or worst, of it. We’re Avery and Steven and we’re here to let you know to stay on your side of the fence. Our toilet is definitely plugged and the kitchen is rumored to have a cockroach infestation. Cookie? Oh, and we work for Company-Y.


No, Company-Y. As in, why haven’t we moved on and evolved above the cesspool that is our current employer? Because not everyone who is unhappy with their current employment can just give the birdie and walk off. You may or may not have noticed that we’re currently pulling through a dirty little recession and finding jobs that pay the bills aren’t growing on trees yet.

Touche. What does Company-Y do?

They began their market domination in the bubblegum and soda-pop business in 1979. Realizing they were too late to capitalize on this market, Company-Y quickly moved on to leg-warmers and faded jeans. They hit it big in 1983 when they, much to the delight of dentists and sugar-deprived children world-wide, went on to invent ‘Nerds’ candy.

In the early 2000′s the then-and-current owner, Noah Adam Davidson II, coming off of a 9-day sugar-bender, had a vision for the next company endeavorer – software development of the most custom and expert kind. Noah combed through the socially-labeled high school rejects known today as ‘nerds’ and gathered two of every expertise. He then threw them to the four-corners of the world and expected them to still have seamless and perfect communications across many different native languages and dialects. Ah, Noah, what a dreamer…

You’re my WonderwallWonderwall by Oasis

All cheesy Nip/Tuck explanations of what a ‘wonderwall’ is aside, this comic is how we at Company-Y maintain our sanity. You may laugh, you may cry, you may even buy a shirt. Every bit helps. Above all, let us entertain you with our pain, sorrow, frustration and, on rare occasion, slightly amusing and embarrassing moments.


Avery & Steven

Like the comic? How about buying us a coffee? A couple of dollars will help us stay awake and make another comic.